
Finding Your Sweet Spot [Podcast]

Posted 10 December By Hanju LeePodcastOne Comment

Finding Your Sweet Spot [Podcast]

Have you ever been in the ocean in the middle of nowhere, completely stranded, not knowing where to go and you are just letting the current and the wind take you? Me neither. LOL. That would be really scary and if I did survive it, it would be a storyline for a good movie.

Anyway, my thought is that if you are ever headed for a long voyage, it’s important to first know where you are going, second, know where you are right now and third, who you are. But even more importantly, make sure where you are going is fully aligned with who you are and what really matters to you.

As an entrepreneur, as a business owner, or as an employee, are you not sure? Are you just drifting? Then, this will be a great episode for you. We hope this episode inspires and brings clarity and purpose to what you do.

To summarize, you don’t need to look for answers in a business book…let your life speak. Your story will teach you to say no to distractions and Yes to the most fruitful way to work.

Here’s a great article for your reference:

Great article for reference: https://hbr.org/2005/01/whats-your-story

Comments (1)
  • Jan 8 2020, 10:54 AM Reply

    Thanks Bill! It’s a crazy season that we are in and how awesome is it that we get to walk together. I am your biggest fan and I am super excited to see how your uniqueness will lead to something extraordinary.

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