Everyone Needs A Guide
Everyone Needs A Guide

Well, this is it. After a couple months of learning about the power of story, our saga is coming to an end. We hope you’ve enjoyed the ride as much as we have – if you missed anything, please feel free to explore our archives at https://bosmediagroup.com/blogs/.
Quick Summary: we looked at the common elements of all great stories, and how they always answer a few key questions:
- Who’s the main character in the story?
- What’s the character’s problem?
- What/Who is the guide that the character meets?
- How does this guide help the character?
- What’s the plan?
- How did he execute this plan?
- Did he win?
- How did the character transform?
Bottom line: every hero has a problem, and they need a guide to help them solve it.
Which brings us to today: we literally have a guide for you! It’s called “HOW TO TELL A STORY THAT SELLS” – a free marketing workbook designed to help you think through the story of your business and how to best share it with your audience.
But one thing to remember: this isn’t just for you. This is a guide to help YOU become the guide.
As we discussed during the Story series, what if your business isn’t meant to be the hero in the story? Obviously we want you to be successful, but the path to that might be different than you expected. What if the mission of your business was to make your customer the hero, with you as their guide?
Take some time in the workbook to think about your customer as the main character – what problem can you help them solve? What plan would you offer that can lead them to transformation?
As the Story Series has shown: If you can guide someone to success, it’s a dream come true – for your customer, and your business.
Here’s to your business guiding people into a true Happily Ever After!
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