
Digital Marketing Package

Today, I want to start out with a little activity – you’ll need a pencil and a piece of paper.  I’ll wait for you to grab it…

OK, now – two steps:

  1. Write your signature using your dominant hand.
  2. Below that, sign again, but this time using your non-dominant hand.

You can probably see a pretty massive difference (Or if you’re ambidextrous, repeat the exercise using a hand for #1 and a foot for #2).

Here’s the point: the first signature represents the work you do every day.  You’ve spent years honing your craft, and learning how to put your uniqueness into the job you do.  It comes so naturally that now, you don’t even have to think about it – you’re an expert.

The second signature represents digital marketing.  You know it’s important, but it’s not the job you’ve studied and trained for… but WE HAVE.

At BOS Media Group, making you look good online is our signature work.  It’s all we think about.  And it brings us tremendous joy to FREE YOU UP to put more of your energy into stuff you’re good at.

Over the past month, we’ve shared the secrets of what makes a Landing Page so effective for your business.  We’ve shown how three key elements work together – the landing page campaign –> the lead capture –> the email drip = Business growth

But we also know: even with all these tools available, many of you probably haven’t been able to make it happen.  Don’t feel bad!  At some point, maybe it’s time to stop using your left hand for this, and let BOS Media Group be your right-hand man.

We would LOVE to help you get this all set up for your business.  We will customize a campaign that is specific for your target audience around a problem they face and the resolution that you’ll provide for them.

Click on the button below to take your next step in growing your business – looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Let’s Connect


Drip Email

As we talked about last time, not everyone is ready to buy the moment they get to your landing page. But ideally, that’s just where the conversation begins.

If you do it right, your landing page will offer people a valuable solution to their problem, in exchange for their contact info.


Once their email is captured through a “lead magnet,” you now have a few more chances to prove yourself worthy of their business.

In other words: Keep Giving, one email at a time. That’s the magic of what we call The Email Drip.

Your landing page made a great first impression; the email drip is where you make a second impression, a third impression -– as many impressions as it takes!

Don’t get me wrong – we don’t believe in spamming people. It’s about building trust through COMMUNICATION. Taking time to be thoughtful and share meaningful information, including your own personal secret sauce about how to be successful. Pretty soon, people will have learned and gained so much from your insight, they’ll want to work with you.

It actually reminds me of back when I first met Maria. At first, she just wanted to be friends (the dreaded friend zone…) But I liked her so much, I was willing to be patient – I even wished for her to have the most amazing future spouse, whoever he may be! For years, all I could do is keep showing up and giving her a chance to know who I really am, like tiny drops of water dripping on a rock.

27 years of marriage later, I can tell you: however many impressions are needed, it’s all worth it in the end.

Please let us know if BOS Media can help you in this process – here’s to email drips that help your business live happily ever after!



For your business to thrive, it all comes down to connecting people.

But how do these connections happen? Where do you begin? At BOS Media Group, we answer that question in one word: Giving.

It may seem counterintuitive at first: how can giving help a business grow?

Once again, this is why a landing page is so important. Like we said last time, a landing page is a place where you identify a problem for a potential customer and offer them a solution. And the best thing you can do is GIVE THAT SOLUTION AWAY.

Wait – shouldn’t they have to PAY YOU for the solution? The problem is, they don’t even know you yet. How can you expect them to hire you when there’s no relationship?

Instead, take the first step and make a positive first impression. You just met, and all they know about you is: you’re one who helped them without charging a thing.

PLUS (this is HUGE, hence the ALL CAPS) it’s not exactly for free – there is a small, but very important exchange. You give them the solution, they give you… their CONTACT INFORMATION.

The reality is, most visits to a landing page don’t immediately translate into new business. People see what you do, and hopefully, experience the value that you offer. At this point, the goal is just to be the one they think of at some point in the future when they’re ready to do business.

And when that moment comes, they won’t have to search for you – because of lead capture, you’ll already be there waiting in their inbox.

Stop letting new customers slip through the cracks! If you do this right, in the iconic words of Casablanca, “This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” At BOS Media Group, our passion is creating lasting relationships where it’s actually a joy to give to the people we serve – we’d love to help you do the same.

For more on the magic of giving, we strongly recommend the book Give and Take by Adam Grant – it’s one of our favorites. (in fact, we even did a podcast about it – check it out!)

You are one click away from taking your business to the next level – let’s get to work!


Moth Landing Page

As we talked about last time, at BOS Media we believe the most successful digital advertising starts with a landing page. But WHY?

Because according to studies, digital ads that lead traffic to a homepage rather than a landing page are actually less effective.

The homepage of your website has to serve a bunch of purposes – it’s meant to make a positive first impression, show off your brand, and let people explore all the services and products that you offer (Note: if your website doesn’t do this, please call us immediately). Having such broad objectives means the site has to speak more generally to give multiple audiences an overview of your company and its values, as well as the different personalities who make up the culture. For a new customer, it’s easy to get lost.

But a landing page is totally focused on one thing: to generate leads for your business. It removes all the other noise and focuses on defining one problem and offering your customers a single solution.

Watch My Video “Landing Page vs Homepage” Below Explaining this Further…

Which brings us to moths. If you’ve ever seen a moth meme, you know they’re only interested in one thing: LAMPS. The world is full of distractions, but as soon as a lamp turns on, the moth mind is extremely focused.

Wouldn’t it be great to hold a potential customer’s attention like that?

Landing Pages = Lamps

Seriously, you have no idea how much the above sentence would slay in digital marketing to moths.

But for humans, let BOS Media help you out – we use the researched, studied and proven method introduced by Donald Miller in Story Brand and further defined in his latest book called Marketing Made Simple. We’ll implement these concepts to create a perfect lamp landing page for you.

At BOS Media, our passion is helping people like you to grow your business. It all starts with a landing page that will increase your credibility with new customers and give them access to you anytime, anywhere. This is our specialty – let us create the campaign, so you’re free to focus on what you do best.
You are one click away from taking your business to the next level – let’s get to work!

Digital Marketing

Over the past month, BOS Media invited you to get creative – to take an idea, good or bad, and start thinking about the small changes your idea could inspire. We believe if you know the problem you’re solving and you’re in touch with your customers’ needs, you can unlock new opportunities for your business.

Today is about implementing all that into ACTION with a proven digital marketing strategy.

I know what you’re thinking: most small-business owners aren’t sure where to begin. You may not even know what digital marketing is, let alone how much impact it can have on your bottom line.

Don’t worry – that’s why we’re here.

BOS MEDIA Digital Marketing Packages:

At BOS Media, our passion is helping people like you to grow your business. It all starts with a landing page that will increase your credibility with new customers and give them access to you anytime, anywhere. This is our specialty – let us create the campaign, so you’re free to focus on what you do best.

Each of our digital marketing packages includes:

•  Landing Page
•  Lead Capture
•  Strategy Session

PLUS you can upgrade your package to cover:
•  Email Integration
•  Drip Email to Leads
•  Full Copywriting Service
•  Full Email Content for Drip
•  Lead Tracking
Get more information here.
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