How To Get More Leads
How To Get More Leads
If you are just joining us in our new series, you’ve come at just the right time. We are talking about Money! Not just talking about it, we are trying to figure out how to get more of it.
So, here’s the deal. If you ask any business owner their strategy for growth, they will tell you they have to increase sales. If you ask them how they plan on increasing more sales, they will tell you that they will need to figure out how to get more leads.
So, from that little scenario, here’s a complex equation I just came up with that’s going to blow your mind.
More Leads = More Sales
Whoa!! Brilliant! But one question still remains. How do you get more leads? Well, before I answer that, here’s a more in-depth thought on what a LEAD truly is and how it’s broken down into different stages.
And now, let’s go through some foolproof ways to generate leads for your business. Here are my top 5:
- Social Media Marketing. Ads on social media are a game changer. For a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing, you have access to specific targeting options that ensure the new leads are just a click away.
- Email Marketing. Emails are a great way to generate leads, especially when they’re personalized. Offer value to their inbox, then invite them to take a next step with you.
- Discounts and Coupons. I love a good deal. I will gladly exchange my email for a 10% off coupon. That discount can be the beginning of a wonderful business relationship.
- Content Marketing/SEO. SEO might feel intimidating, but it really boils down to this: if you have good website content that shows your knowledge as a business, Google will find you.
- Referral Partnerships. “If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” That’s an example of a referral partnership that our own BOS Media monkey signed with a local chiropractor. You can find similar strategic partners where you agree to make referrals to each other.
But with all of that working for you, there’s still one thing I want to really focus on – the single most important element that all my top 5 ways lead to… they should all funnel to the sales page. Or, as we call it, the Landing Page.
This is where all of the lead-generating campaigns will direct online traffic to, so that your audience stays focused on one specific campaign (making them much more likely to engage). This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where the potential clients are asked to take action. And that action becomes a lead.
Let me go quickly over the essential elements to include on a successful landing page:
- Clear unique selling proposition – this is your headline, the ONE THING you offer solves a problem for the customer and presents you as the clear choice over any competitor.
- Hero image – one photo that visually depicts the solution, and immediately shows the audience a picture of the better life on the other side of this offer.
- List of Features – the first two elements got their attention. Now is your chance to give some details about the value you are providing.
- Social proof – most of us don’t make a purchase until we’ve read the reviews. Give people a taste of how satisfied customers rate you, or share expert testimonials of your business.
- Strong call to action. Make it clear and direct – One button that they can click to make everything you’ve promised above a reality.
If you’d like to see how this all comes together, I just happen to have this example of a landing page we use to capture Website Design leads for BOS Media Group. Kind of trippy to think that our landing page to generate leads might inspire someone to create a landing page to generate leads… (I’m pretty sure that’s a way to open a door to the multi-verse).
But seriously, I’m here to help if you need me! I hope this strategy helps bring new leads (and their money!) to your business.
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