
Abundance Vs Scarcity [Podcast]

Posted 18 March By Hanju LeePodcastNo Comments

Abundance Vs Scarcity [Podcast]

At BOS Media, we have the pleasure of working with leaders across many different industries, which gives us a unique perspective on the factors that cause businesses to either thrive, or get stuck. We addressed one key element in our first podcast of the year, and it all starts in your MIND.

Don’t underestimate the danger of thinking small. Like that famous quote says, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Recognizing the abundance around you is a game-changing mindset that can make a huge difference in every aspect of your work.

In the podcast, we talk about this in THREE AREAS:

1. Abundance of RELATIONSHIPS

After this past year working at home, I hope none of us take this for granted – let’s cherish the opportunities we have to collaborate and learn from each other. In light of that, one important question is: Who are your advisors? One action step we recommend: Ask for help. As a community, we are so rich in knowledge, but we have to be willing to reach out.

2. Abundance of CREATIVITY

The best summation I’ve ever heard of this is from Sir Ken Robinson’s 3-minute video on Divergent Thinking. You have the capacity for genius levels of creativity – don’t let that thinking deteriorate!

3. Abundance of RESOURCES

Do you realize what you have in front of you? As we were preparing for this podcast, it hit me how the word “resourcefulness” describes abundance (resource-FULL), but also our creative ability to make it work. Don’t focus on what you lack; be resourceful.

We hope this is a year of ABUNDANCE for you and your business, as you open your eyes to all the resources available to you.

Thanks for listening!

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