Our Last Podcast [Podcast]

2020 has felt like the end of the world, so that got us thinking – if this was the very last podcast we ever got to record, what would be our final words?
To be clear: Our last podcast is NOT our last podcast. But we decided to use the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of this year to ponder: what’s the best advice we would give our kids as they finish high school/college?
Hopefully, it helps your business as well!
Click on the play button below or above to list to Episode 11 of the Make it Matter podcast.
Thanks for listening!!
Road to Success [Podcast]

Welcome to episode 10 of the Make it Matter Podcast – today we talk about what happens when something goes wrong, and how dealing with it the right way can change everything.
I know you wish every interaction with a customer or a client could be perfect, but that’s not reality. The big question is: what happens next? How you handle it could make all the difference.
Success in business is NOT about avoiding mistakes – it’s the grace that follows. Will you be petty and defensive, or will your kind response end up being what the customer remembers most?
So, just to sum up our episode, here are the 3 things that we hope you can get out of this:
- The customer may not always be right, but you gain nothing by proving them wrong.
- Assume that people will tell the world about the mistake, so give them a good ending to the story!
- “The road to success is paved with mistakes well-handled.” -Danny Meyer https://www.amazon.com/Setting-Table-Transforming-Hospitality-Business/dp/0060742763
So our hope for you and your business is that you not try to cover up your mistakes and be seen as this flawless, perfect, and beautifully run business…but be more real and authentic by exposing your mistakes and make it right by turning it into a positive.
Pivot [Podcast]

Welcome to episode 9 of the Make it Matter Podcast – today we’re back (finally!) to talk about “Pivoting” – an extremely important concept as we navigate this year.
Pivot is our word for 2020 – a reminder that we have to be adaptable, and willing to make the major shifts in order to keep moving forward.
Obviously, this has been one of the most challenging years in history. BUT hopefully, that also brings some opportunity for some much-needed adjustments. Most of us don’t change until we have to; now, we have to. What are some pivots you can make?
But before we go on, here’s a quick, inspiring video on pivoting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Listen as Hanju share’s his own pivot story from a background in corporate that led to the birth of BOS Media Group and also Bru’s early in marriage story when Jill asked, “is this it?” Scary question, but led to a new world of traveling/friends (sometimes I think, if we had our wedding over, 95% of the guests change)
What about YOUR Pivot? What advice do we have for people navigating change? Ask yourself this, “If this time was perfect, what would it be perfect for?”
The One Where We Get in a Fight with Another Podcast [Podcast]

The fight is on.
We’re not going to name names, but it all started when I was listening to another podcast and they said they HATE when business owners talk about people they work with as “family” – they claim your one responsibility to co-workers is to grow your business because everyone wins when you make a profit.
Today we will present our counterpoint to people who believe that work relationships shouldn’t be family, and argue that actually that position is what’s wrong with American business today.
If treating people like family is wrong, we don’t wanna be right!
Links to movies and TED Talk we reference:
- Ender’s Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SRizeR4MmU
- Little Women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AST2-4db4ic
- It’s a Wonderful Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAtE1cGb1BM
- Just Mercy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVQbeG5yW78
- Bryan Stevenson TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/bryan_stevenson_we_need_to_talk_about_an_injustice?language=en
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Also, let us know what you think by commenting on this post or click on this link to talk to us. https://boscurrent.wpengine.com/feedback
You Are More Than a Brand [Podcast]

“So, what’s your story?”
That might be the most important question for business owners and entrepreneurs to answer. It will help you set priorities, give customers a clear understanding of your identity, and when you feel lost, it will be the North Star to guide you home.
Remember that you are the writer here. You can decide to what parts of the story to give weight to, and the moments you want to highlight. However, don’t feel like you need to hide the difficult parts – every great story has conflict, and people connect with you based on the challenges you’ve overcome, as long as you’re able to connect the dots clearly.
Your story matters. The good and the bad, the changes and the core level non-negotiables that you are willing to fight for. Don’t just go to work and do your job day after day – remember who you are! The more you stay aligned to that, the more other people will be inspired to join in and do business with you.
Hope you enjoy our podcast. If you are a normal podcaster, you can find us here. Please subscribe and share. Thanks so much!!