
All posts by Hanju Lee


Wax On, Wax Off

As our Story Series continues another week, you may be wondering: “When will we start making practical business applications with all this?”

Ironically, today’s story features someone who can relate.

Once upon a time, Daniel was a cool kid from New Jersey, but after moving to Southern California it’s hard for him to fit in. He meets one girl who’s pretty cute, but talking to her immediately makes him a target for her ex-boyfriend and his friends, who also happen to be violently good at karate. 

After they beat Daniel up a couple of times, a guide comes to the rescue. Mr. Miyagi proves to be more than just the maintenance man at Daniel’s apartment – he agrees to give Daniel some karate training so he can protect himself. To start, he invites Daniel to his home and assigns him a bunch of chores:

  • Sanding the floor
  • Waxing the car
  • Painting the fence
  • Painting the house

By the end of the week, Daniel is exhausted and confronts Mr. Miyagi about it. It certainly feels like Mr. Miyagi’s commitment to train him was just an excuse to get some free labor to do some work around his house. Like an email reader who keeps getting told stories, he’s like, “When am I going to learn some actual karate?!?!”

That’s when Mr. Miyagi’s brilliance is revealed:

So genius. Let’s check out how it matches up with the story building blocks we’ve been discussing every week:

  • Who’s the main character in the story? Daniel
  • What’s the character’s problem? He’s new in town and keeps getting beat up
  • What/Who is the guide that the character meets? Mr. Miyagi
  • How does this guide help the character? He agrees to train Daniel (and gets the bullies to stop fighting until they all face each other in a karate tournament) 
  • What’s the plan? He has Daniel do a bunch of chores around his house
  • How did he execute this plan? At first, he’s mad that he has to do all this work instead of training, not knowing the work WAS the training.
  • Did he win? He learns karate, takes the girl to Golf-n-Stuff in  and wins the tournament with the most epic crane kick of all time.
  • How did the character transform? Whiny kid who resents his circumstances, only to find it’s those very same circumstances that make him champion of the Tri-Valley

So back to the original question: When will we stop focusing on stories and start doing the practical business application? The stories ARE the practical business application. Your best branding, your best marketing, your best sales strategy – it all begins with a story. 

I hope this inspires you to look at your work differently. Maybe, right in the middle of all your daily tasks, a new set of skills is emerging. What level of mastery have you already achieved? How can you share that story with the world?

Here’s to crane-kicking your work in the face today!


Butler Sung

I am pretty sure that what I am about to say is going to be 100% accurate:

When you saw the subject line, you had no idea what I was going to talk about, right? 

In fact, I would bet that you have no idea who Butler Sung even is. If you knew right away and proved me wrong, please reply to this email and let me know – we have so much to talk about.

We are still in our “Storytelling” series, and this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. This story is near and dear to my heart because it’s a Kdrama. If you are not familiar with Kdrama, it has a set of interesting characteristics in my opinion.

  • Kdrama is exactly what it says…drama. Crazy events happen with crazy circumstances. i.e. Two sisters get separated at a young age because one got lost in a bus station and they somehow meet as adults…mom realizes she now has to tell the truth about this which has been kept a family secret…just when she’s about to reveal all, she falls down the stairs and loses her memory. 
  • Kdrama acting is not great. They overreact to situations, sometimes in a cheesy way, sometimes in an overly emotional way.
  • Kdrama is very addictive. Once you start watching, you just can’t stop. And some of these series last 30-35 episodes. Some people (like my mom) binge-watch them non-stop without sleeping.
  • Kdrama is all about character development. I don’t know how they do it, but whatever you believe about the characters they introduce in the first few episodes will have changed by the end of the series. You’ll either fall deeply in love with them, or you’ll hate them with passion. 

So, now that you are familiar with Kdramas, let’s talk about Butler Sung.

The story begins with Kim Min Kyu who is a CEO of a prosperous financial company. He lives in complete isolation due to a rare medical condition that has no cure. He basically breaks out in a severe rash and he can’t breathe. He’s allergic to humans. LOL. His isolation and loneliness become more tolerable when he’s introduced to a female android called AJI3, which Dr. Hong developed with an advanced capacity to respond to human emotions. Well, guess what? The AJI3 malfunctions and we find out that this AJI3 model was a direct replica of Dr. Hong’s ex-girlfriend whom he still has feelings for. So, what was he to do? He asks his ex-girlfriend to help him by pretending to be the robot until they get all the bugs sorted out. And you guessed it. Kim Min Kyu falls in love with the robot who is not a robot at all. 

When the truth is all revealed, after 30 episodes, Kim Min Kyu is angry, feels betrayed, and wants to isolate himself again. And during this deep contemplative scene of trying to figure out what to do (cue soft and sad BTS song in the background), as he’s walking around in his property in the mid-winter evening…depressed, confused, and sad, he runs into Butler Sung. Butler Sung is his butler who lives on his property in a small shack and takes care of all the maintenance around and in the house. He’s a bit older and has a lot of life experience and wisdom. They sit around the fire pit and he begins to enlighten this young CEO about love. This is where the transformation happens. A heart change, a perspective change…Butler Sung’s words penetrate deep into his soul and he realizes that life without her would be meaningless. What did he say? I am not going to give it away. You have to watch it to feel it…experience it…all 32 episodes of it.

Here it is, once again. The essence of our “Storytelling” series. Learning about the Hero and the Guide. The guide helps the hero become the hero. No one really knows or even cares that much about the guide (hence the mystery of my subject line), but the guide is the one who initiates the transformation. And this is what we do every day. We are the guide. Your client is the hero. Be the best guide you can be to help them step into their best story, in business and in life. Here’s a quick review and the breakdown of the story – make sure the brand story you tell answers these questions:

  • Who’s the main character in the story? Kim Min Kyu
  • What’s the character’s problem? He’s allergic to humans and lives an isolated life without love.
  • What/Who’s the guide that the character meets? Butler Sung
  • How does this guide help the character? He helps the main character realize that love is worth fighting for.
  • What’s the plan? Confess his love for her and forgive her.
  • How did he execute this plan? Beautifully with soft music background cued
  • Did he win? He found his love and the cure
  • How did the character transform? He overcame his deep abandonment issues and pain by allowing someone to love him.

Are you enjoying the Story series? I’ve liked it so much that I think we have to keep it going a couple more weeks! Kind of like binge-watching – there’s always time for just one more episode haha. But seriously, I truly hope this is helping you clarify your own story and the purpose of your business.


Learning From The Best

For the past few weeks, we’ve been learning about the power of story. It’s so much more than entertainment – it’s an essential part of how we connect in every facet of life, including business.

Today, we get to learn from the masters. Seriously, I believe the greatest stories of our time are being told in an unexpected place, and they’ve shared their secrets with the world. Can you guess who we’re talking about?

I’ll give you a clue…


OK, that was more than a clue haha. But seriously, if you’ve read Creativity Inc. or seen their “22 Rules of Storytelling” online, you know: don’t underestimate these movies just because they’re animated. And here’s how I know that they’re the best: the way they take the absolute most impossible ideas and make them happen. 

  • Understanding a 12-year-old’s emotions? Inside Out.
  • Exploring the existential realities beyond life on earth? Soul.
  • And maybe the most challenging of all… taking the grossest thing in the world and making it lovable: A rat in the kitchen.

(Side note: I wonder if that’s part of Pixar’s genius – choosing the worst idea they could think of and finding a way to pull it off. It’s like that quote, “Necessity is the mother of invention” – maybe we should be more willing to lean into what looks like a bad idea, or times where we feel painted in a corner. Those moments could be the source of our greatest innovation!)

Back to the story: Remy is the rat of all our dreams, and he truly loves the magic of food. But based on his appearance, the last place in the world he would ever be welcome is a kitchen. 

Once again, a guide comes along to show him the way: Gusteau, the famous French chef whose motto is “Anyone can cook.” He encourages Remy with advice that speaks to us all:

“You must be imaginative, strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.”

Wow. Imagine waking up every morning and starting the day with that quote. Gusteau’s mentorship changes Remy’s life, ultimately leading him to become the most unconventional chef in Paris. 

Let’s review how this matches up with the story building blocks we’ve been talking about each week:

  • Who’s the main character in the story? Remy
  • What’s the character’s problem? He’s a rat who wants to be a chef.
  • What/Who is the guide that the character meets? Gusteau
  • How does this guide help the character? Helping him believe that anyone can cook.
  • What’s the plan? Removing the mental obstacles that cause Remy to doubt that his dream is possible.
  • How did he execute this plan? Hiding in a chef’s hat so that a human could help orchestrate his culinary brilliance.
  • Did he win? The most feared restaurant critic, Anton Ego, took one bite of his dish and was immediately transported back to his childhood, restoring his love of food and inspiring him to declare Remy “nothing less than the finest chef in France.”
  • How did the character transform? He left the sewer behind, along with all the self-imposed limitations of what he could become, and there’s now a restaurant in Paris called La Ratatouille entirely staffed by rats.

The other thing I appreciate about this story is how Remy’s journey affects so many others: his family, the humans in the kitchen, Anton Ego. It makes me wonder: who are the people around us right now who are just waiting for us to start our story, so that theirs can begin as well? 

We’ll let Gusteau have the last words. He told Remy, “There is excellence all around you. You need only to be aware to stop and savor it.” So… what impossible story do you want to write today? “Anyone can cook… but only the fearless can be great.”


The Ultimate Underdog Story

“His whole life was a 1,000,000-to-1 shot.”

Rocky Balboa wasn’t always the most famous boxer in movie history. Once upon a time, he was the last person anyone would expect to be a champ. Not just in movies – in real life.

When the original movie went into production, expectations were extremely low. Sylvester Stallone was relatively unknown in Hollywood, and his trademark voice and style didn’t exactly earn him instant credibility. Despite being the screenwriter and star of the movie, most of the crew considered him and the project a joke.

At one point, in the middle of a scene with Talia Shire (who played Adrian), the actors became distracted by members of the crew who were actually snickering as they were filming. She felt bad for her co-star, and asked if he was ok. With surprising confidence and vision, Stallone reassured her: “They don’t see what I see.” 

Luckily, he had an angel on his shoulder, both literally and figuratively. His trainer Mickey was the perfect guide in the midst of this process. Like the crew, he had his own doubts about Rocky’s prospects – remember his first impression of Rocky? “You’re a tomato, and I don’t run a soup kitchen.”

But when I think of Mickey’s words to Rocky over the years, the one quote I’ll never forget is when he said, “I didn’t hear no bell.” It means no matter how bad things look, as long as you’re still in the fight, the story isn’t over. 

They might be laughing at you.

They might think you’re a tomato.

They might think your business has no chance to succeed.

But I didn’t hear no bell.

I don’t know about you, but this is seriously getting me pumped up right now! Cue the music, and let’s run some stairs!!! 

Seriously though, once again it just shows the power of story. Throughout this Story series, we’ve been coming back to this pattern every week – Rocky shows us how it works, both in the movie and in real life:

  • Who’s the main character in the story? Rocky/Sylvester Stallone
  • What’s the character’s problem? He’s a tomato who can never be successful.
  • What/Who is the guide that the character meets? Mickey
  • How does this guide help the character? Mickey is a tough coach who makes him a fighter who never gives up.
  • What’s the plan? Chase chickens (Mickey had some weird techniques)
  • How did he execute this plan? Rocky was still standing at the end.
  • Did he win? YES – while he doesn’t technically beat Apollo, Rocky won the Academy Award for Best Picture, spawned a bunch of sequels, and ultimately ended the Cold War by defeating Ivan Drago. 
  • How did the character transform? He still talks funny, but Sylvester Stallone ended up as one of the biggest Hollywood stars of all time. Who’s laughing now?

We all love a good underdog, but here’s the twist ending: what if your business isn’t meant to be the hero in the story? Obviously, we want you to be successful, but the path to that might be different than you expected. What if the mission of your business was to make your customer the hero, with you as their guide?

There are a lot of underdogs out there who are struggling – they have a problem only you can solve. As a business leader, how do you become the angel on their shoulder, helping them to not give up, encouraging them, “I didn’t hear no bell!”

If these classic stories demonstrate, if you can guide someone to success, it’s a dream come true. And I really believe, you’ll have a customer for life.


Secret To Happiness

I watched this TV series on Netflix called After Life. Have you seen it? I will try not to give it away too much but it made a lasting impression on me. 

So, it’s about this guy named Tony. He had an amazing marriage and life. He was married to the love of his life (Lisa) and they spent their time truly embracing every moment of every day. Not only that, they were both proud parents of their fur baby…a German Shepherd named Anti. Tony was happy and his life was perfect – until one day, Lisa was diagnosed with cancer. 

The first couple of episodes, you get to see and experience their sweet relationship as she was going in and out of the hospital for treatment. She eventually and sadly passes away, leaving him hours and hours of video she recorded of herself sharing her love for him and also with lots of instructions on how to keep living. Examples like, “Tony, you cannot forget to feed Anti” or “Tony, please, clean up after yourself and for god’s sake, do the dishes once in awhile…”

But after this tragic event of her passing, he slowly loses motivation to keep living life. He stops caring about himself or anybody else. He becomes resentful and angry…even hopeless. He would often go to her gravesite and sit on the bench to be near Lisa. That’s when he meets Anne. Anne is a widow and quite a bit older than Tony. She lost the love of her life as well and she also comes to the gravesite to spend some time with her late husband. After getting to know each other and becoming friends, it leads to this most powerful and significant scene where a transformation happens. Here, you can watch it:

She offers him a profound secret to life in her words. “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit in.” Then she says, “Good people do good things for other people, that’s it, the end.”

The rest of the episode shows the slow transformation of Tony. He goes from being an angry, self-absorbed, and grumpy dude to someone others-focused, kind, and gentle soul…he even found a glimpse of happiness and hope in the midst of his pain.

Why do I share this story? Besides it being one of my favorite shows, I also wanted to continue our “Storytelling” series by showing how a great story can be told. Remember, storytelling is one of the most important tools in business…if done right, it will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Here’s a quick review – make sure your story answers these questions (as today’s example does):

  • Who’s the main character in the story? Tony
  • What’s the character’s problem? Tony lost the most important treasure in his life, his wife.
  • What/Who is the guide that the character meets? Anne
  • How does this guide help the character? Anne sees his pain and how he’s reacting to it with anger and resentment…so she gently shares the secret of happiness. 
  • What’s the plan? Live for others
  • How did he execute this plan? He started doing good for others.
  • Did he win? He found meaning.
  • How did the character transform? Angry to gentle, self-absorbed to generous, and grumpy to happy.

As we continue this series, I hope it leads you to find your own story, your own voice, and your own experience of transformation. But for today, you’ll just have to be content with the secret to happiness.


How To Tell A Story

We are all daydreamers, but for me, it was more like an extreme disorder. I absolutely could not pay attention in class. When a lecture started, I opened my notebook, held my sharpened pencil…and doodled. A few minutes in, I had no idea what the professor was talking about. I was deep in my daydream world. I’d get lost in thought wondering what my life would look like after college, who I would marry, what my kids would look like, who they would become. I daydreamed about my weekend plans, the football game, cleaning my room, food…oh the food I would eat…and lots of it.

Suddenly, my daydreaming came to a screeching halt and I began to focus. I started to sit up straighter on my chair, my eyes alert and watching every move. I smiled, I frowned, I even laughed out loud. I heard every word, and I didn’t even have to write it down…cause I knew I wouldn’t forget.

You might be wondering what happened? What woke me up from the unconsciousness of daydream into a deep focus during the lecture?

The professor told a story.

Studies show that the average human spends 30% of their time daydreaming. During a boring lecture? I’d say it’s 70% for me. However, when I sit and watch a movie with an engaging storyline, I spend 0% daydreaming, with 100% focus on what’s happening on the screen. Sometimes, for 2 hours straight.

Storytelling is powerful. It captures the soul. It can move your emotions from rage to joy, it can make you sob, it can make you laugh. In the world of marketing, it’s the most important tool you can use to introduce your product, your culture, and even your brand. If done right, it will leave a lasting impression on someone (your potential client) and they will never forget you and what you stand for.

So, how do you tell a story right? There are many ways. There are formulas and patterns that Hollywood follows, and ingredients of a story that make people want to keep reading or watching. Here’s a simplified version of that formula – try writing a story that answers these questions:

  • Who’s the main character in the story?
  • What’s the character’s problem?
  • What/Who’s the guide that the character meets?
  • How does this guide help the character?
  • What’s the plan?
  • How did he execute this plan?
  • Did he win?

Now, let’s have some fun with the “formula” in light of the story I told above to see how it all fits.

  • Who’s the main character in the story? It’s me. The student. Young and dumb.
  • What’s the character’s problem? I think I have a major disorder. I’ve never done well in school because I think I can’t focus. 
  • What/Who’s the guide that the character meets? I met a professor. 
  • How does this guide help the character? The professor told a story during the lecture. I became engaged and I started to focus and realized that maybe it wasn’t me and my disorder, it’s just how humans are – we daydream and the professor telling a story awakened me from my daydream.
  • What’s the plan? In order to be interesting, engaging, and memorable, I need to be a good storyteller. Especially to help my business grow.
  • How did the character execute this plan? I learned the formula and made sure that the story had all the right ingredients.
  • Did he win? Yes, everyone read this email and realized how important stories are in marketing their own products and/or companies.

And the most important final question. How did the character transform? 

Well, I transformed from a typical, unmemorable communicator to a more engaging and interesting storyteller as I try to always think outside the box and find a story to tell vs just explaining a solution. 

If you ended up lost in a daydream at some point during this email, I’ve got a story for you! It’s about a business leader who learned to connect with customers through stories, and they all lived happily ever after. 

Hope this becomes the story of your life!


Improve Your Online Reputation With SEO

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Over the past few weeks, we’ve brought you SEO 101. A quick recap:

For this final week, I want to give you one final motivation to develop your own SEO strategy: SEO is essential in highlighting what people see online.

One of my greatest fears in life is that I’ll be talking to someone at lunch not knowing that I have a green piece of food stuck in my teeth. It makes me sad to think the whole time I was talking, the person across from me would have just been staring at that piece of food. After I finally see myself in the mirror and discover what’s there, my biggest question would be: Why didn’t they say something to me??

SEO is how you get that feedback online.

If your website isn’t optimized, if your content isn’t engaging, if your strategy is out of date… SEO will tell you. This is information that is obvious to anyone who attempts to find your business online. Wouldn’t you rather be aware of what they see?

I know for a lot of you, even after all this training, you might still be thinking that this SEO thing is just too complicated for you to figure out. You probably didn’t go into business expecting you’d have to become an expert in digital marketing. I really do believe you can take all the tools from this past month and create a comprehensive SEO strategy that works, but just know: if you ever need a hand, I gotchu. And I can promise you two things that actually set BOS Media apart from a lot of SEO services out there:

1. We are transparent. We tell you in detail what we are doing and how you are ranking.
2. You won’t be stuck with a long-term, never-ending contract. We stop when you say stop. We go, when you say go. Entirely up to you.

BOS Media knows the SEO game – and we can definitely kick some butt for you. We can even give you access to a backend dashboard with all kinds of geeky live stats that show your progress. Actually it’s funny: this part of the job that can be so de-energizing for so many business leaders is literally our favorite thing to do – I would love to do my part to make sure you have the SEO support your business needs.

“If a tree falls in the forest without SEO, does it make a sound?” Here’s to making plenty of noise online – give me a call if there’s anything I can do to help!


Does Your Business Absolutely Need SEO?

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Let’s be real. There are thousands of businesses that can thrive in any circumstance. I’ve talked to business owners who tell me that they’ve never done any marketing and hopefully, they never will. “People just find us and we stay beyond busy…sometimes, we have to turn away business, we just can’t handle the load.” Even their bank sends them a notification that they’ve exceeded the maximum deposit allowed for the month. Hahaha, just kidding on the last sentence, I don’t think there’s a deposit limit. Wait, is there?

Well, good for them. But the rest of us are still here, daring to dream for growth beyond ourselves, beyond the capacity of what we can handle, and even beyond our wildest imagination of what our business and our lives can become. What a great problem to have to solve. Also there are those of us who just started a brand new company, just launched a new site with no existing traffic or have been struggling getting new leads. Whatever category you fit in, I still think we should all have a strong SEO for our brand and always be searchable. Why? SEO just makes everything better.

Here’s the thing: when you research and break down Google analytics as a whole, assuming you are not running a PPC (Pay Per Click) Google ad campaign, a high percentage of your site traffic is coming from the organic search. People are still searching key words and clicking on the organic results to get to their desired websites. Your goal should be to have your business show up on that search, bringing more traffic to your site, and in turn, more leads and more growth for your business. But beyond showing up on the first page of the search results, there are other awesome benefits to doing your SEO. I’ll list my top 3 reasons according to the research done by SEJ 

SEO builds trust and credibility: People realize that many factors go into establishing an authority for your brand online. When your business shows up on the search result, people know that it went through a pretty thorough vetting process and you made it to the top. This creates trust and credibility. Also, when you are running a Paid Ad campaign for your company, if the search results show up on the Ad as well as the organic search, that just doubles the trust and doubles the credibility. They are seeing it twice, making you the most likely to be clicked on and chosen.

Great SEO also means a better user experience: I’ve heard people complain about certain websites: “It’s hard to navigate; it loads slow; the information is unorganized.” Well, one of the main priorities for Google when choosing the most relevant sites to direct traffic to is making sure the user experience is positive. Their algorithms will test and rank many elements that will show favor in the user experience of your site. That means when your site is Search Engine Optimized, it ensures the site has been fixed to create a positive experience for the visitors. 

SEO is not going away: While the rules of SEO and the best practices will continue to change and be updated, we know that humans are going to keep searching for products and services online. It’s important to stay up to date as the internet world evolves, and stay ahead of the competition by being proactive in monitoring significant changes to the algorithm. Google makes thousands of algorithm changes a year. Don’t fall too far behind. Stay relevant.

So, to answer the question of “Does your business absolutely need SEO?”, I have a question for you: Do babies go “goo”? The answer is resounding YES. Every baby I’ve every known has said “goo” to me. Don’t believe me? Google it – here’s the search result page of whether babies say goo.

Hope your SEO game is better than a baby’s!


SEO Spells Trust

My friend came up with a brilliant idea a couple of years ago. It all started because so many of her single friends were running into the same issues when it came to online dating – they kept telling her, “It’s just so difficult to find the right person, you don’t know who to trust anymore.” When the profile says 6 ft tall, is he really? How current are the selfies displayed on the app? Was it taken within the last 10 years? In fact, here are the top 10 common lies people use online dating apps.

  • Age
  • Height (see, I told you)
  • Weight
  • Body type (men will frequently describe themselves as “athletic”)
  • Income (usually 20-40% over)
  • Job type/title
  • Outdated photos (again, I told you)
  • Hobbies and interests (‘walks on the beach’ is most popular)
  • Looking for a relationship (this actually surprised me)
  • Relationship status (this surprised me even more)

So, what was her brilliant idea? It’s a program where one friend nominates another friend and submits an application on their behalf. Then, the program chooses five potential matches (10 people total) within a certain radius and hosts a fun party to see what happens. I am leaving out a lot of details but that’s the gist of it. The key behind the program’s brilliance is simple: it builds trust because someone else is vouching for you. This is why referral marketing works, this is why Yelp reviews are important, this is why reputation matters. What others say about you builds trust.

Imagine you are Google, and you are ranking businesses to send traffic to. Your goal is to send traffic to the most deserving and the most talked about business…how will you know? Easy. It’s called link building.

Link building is an SEO term for the process of getting other websites to link to a page on your own website in order to earn a higher spot on the search engine results pages (aka SERPs). The more links you’ve built (meaning other sites share links to you) and the measured authority of the links you built (meaning those who link to you are credible) will determine one thing…trust. You are a trusted company according to a lot of people and that will help your SEO tremendously, which will increase your traffic to your website significantly.

Google’s goal is to find the most trustworthy links from trustworthy sites. For example, if you are a golf academy that has produced a lot of PGA champions and all these top athletes keep referring to your academy on their own websites…wow…Google is going to love you and send you a ton of traffic from those looking to find the right academy for their own training.

Finally, let’s talk about how we can start building a link. There are hundreds of ways to do this, but I would start with these 3 options:

  • Continuously create content: I mentioned this in our last post – content is the key to successful SEO. Focus on your industry and on your client’s needs. With quality content, you will gain authority in time. Make sure that your content is relevant, useful and well-structured. This ensures that others who will find your content useful will want to link to it again and again. That’s how you get great backlinks; you earn them!
  • Build relationships: For good link building, you need to build good relationships. There are plenty of opportunities to build new contacts. You should start with niche-related communities: forums, blogs or social groups. Make the first step and start contributing with interesting and relevant comments and posts, providing contextual value to each discussion. By actively participating in these online communities focused on your niche, you will not only gain some good backlinks, but you will always have access to the newest industry news and be able to connect to people who share your passions.
  • List your site in trustworthy directories: There are many online directories that provide real value to the users. The ideal directory will not only give you the chance to post a link to your website, but also provide useful information for your potential customers. There are even tools and apps that help you get on these lists…even niche directories.

So, there you go. A little bit about backlinks and the important role it plays with SEO. Again, don’t forget, it’s all about building trust. Continue to be relevant out there by keeping your website dynamic… and don’t forget to help other credible sites by offering links to their content on your website. Because at the end of the day, we’re all just single businesses trying to sift through the lies and hoping to find a match.


Does Content Really Help SEO?

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If you saw my post last week, I talked about the fundamentals of SEO. One of the coolest studies I found while doing my own research was this simple chart of the Google Algorithm Ranking Factors. Basically, it charts what Google thinks are the most important elements on your website if you want to increase visibility and traffic to your site through SEO. As this chart shows, out of 15 different categories that can affect your SEO, the most important is Consistent Publication of Engaging Content.

Which makes total sense to me. Logically speaking, the more content you have, the more chance you’ll have of someone seeing it, right? Well, not always. In fact, if you have an article or blog post on your website that goes on and on without providing a solution, making a point or offering any kind of significant information, your visitors will leave quickly which can actually hurt your rankings. So the key word here is “ENGAGING” content.

So, I know what you are gonna ask me next: “How do I write engaging content?” Before I answer that question, let’s first define the word “engaging” in the context of SEO.

Engaging Content is so genuinely appealing and interesting that it immediately grabs your attention and makes you want to learn more. Engaging means having the ability to stop someone in their tracks and draw them in by being informative, insightful, inspiring and even entertaining.

It’s not just about great writing or storytelling – it’s about the visuals as well. Here are some cool tips and resources so you can increase your SEO game.

  • Find what people are searching for. Duh. There are 5.6 billion Google searches per day. What are they searching for? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had special insight into what people needed so you can write about it and answer their questions? Well, here’s a free tool you can use. It’s called Answer the Public. Click on this link, type in your area of specialty and voila! You’ll get a list of questions that people are asking online about your subject. You’ll be surprised at some of the popular things that people are searching that you haven’t thought of in your own field.
  • Use Large Headers and Sub-headers. Make it stand out. Because, most of the time, before someone commits to reading your content, they will quickly pan the page to see if it’s worthwhile. And while skimming through, they’ll first read what’s most catching to the eye – the large headers and sub-headers. Not only should they be bigger, but they should use words that immediately capture a reader’s attention.
  • Use Graphics. We are naturally drawn to images. Create or add graphics to illustrate your point, set the mood or spark an inspiration.
  • Use Keywords. Not just one, but 5-10. And categorize these keywords into 3 types: Primary, Secondary and Additional.
    • The Primary keyword is your main focus, so let your title reflect that. Use the primary keyword to drive the bulk of the content forward.
    • Secondary keywords are complementary keywords to the primary one, but just slight variations. Have 3-5 talking points and use the secondary keywords to support it.
    • Additional keywords can be other related words that can be phrased differently but mean the same thing. This is a way to get variations of your main keywords in there to provide additional padding.
  • Incorporate Internal Links. This is a great way to keep the visitor on your site longer. Referencing another post from your existing site is a great way to create more engaging content and provide the visitor with more relevant information while letting Google know how cool you are.
  • Be Consistent. Consistency in your voice helps people get to know you, and will keep them coming back if they like what they read. If you are a great storyteller, keep writing relate-able and relevant stories to continue to communicate your point. Also, be consistent in posting so people can start counting on you for new content and looking forward to it. Best case scenario, your content can become part of the regular rhythm of people’s lives.
  • Be You. The most engaging content is content that’s written by someone who’s not only knowledgeable, but also someone who’s passionate. Let them know how much you love and enjoy sharing, teaching, informing and entertaining. It will shine through. I always say, people can spot a fake…so, you be you. You are the only you and that’s why they’ll want to read it.

So, to answer the original question, does content really help SEO? The answer is resounding YES! Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to adding more traffic and eventually adding more clients to your business.

Here’s to the engaging content you’re going to create – can’t wait to see what you have to share!

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